Francesca Catellani – Fotografia Europea 2018
Curated by Francesca Baboni and Stefano Taddei
Our contemporary society has always been characterized by changes and revolutions that have brought positive innovations and changes of social relevance.
The project presents a photographic series that concerns a sort of silent revolution, a testimony of renewal and transformation that focuses on changes not only socio-anthropological and thought, but also architectural and custom occurred in the crucial decade between 1970 and 1980 in Italy and Europe, from the years of Italian terrorism and the economic crisis, but also the philosophies linked to the hippie culture revolution, the rebirth of the '80s characterized by hedonism, fashion and mass consumption, a real second boom cheap.
A series of photographs selected from over 12,000 photos taken through amateur films filmed in Super8, a private documentary that the photographer has collected with a meticulous research work between Italy, its islands and Europe.
Documents of the period that show substantial transformations underway, through small extracts of everyday life. In addition to these, the project also includes a series of 40 photographs printed on cotton paper, referring to the tones and colors of the era to be set up on the walls and the screening of digitized videos to allow visitors to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the period. The author intends to document this historical period bringing a question to our present time: "What will we do with the future?".
inaugural days
April 20> 19-23
April 21> 10-23
April 22> 10-20
from 25 April to 17 June
Friday> 10-12
Saturday, Sunday and holidays> 10 – 13 and 16 – 19
Special openings
26th, 30th April> 10-12