Luigi Ghirri
Map and area
September 25 2018 – January 7 2019

"I did not want to do PHOTOGRAPHS, but MAPS, PIANI, which should be photographs at the same time." (Luigi Ghirri)

The Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri (1943-1992) is one of the pioneers of European color photography. The exhibition curated by James Lingwood  is based on the great retrospective, organized in 1979 according to the guidelines of Luigi Ghirri in Parma. About 300 photographs, divided into 15 groups of works, focus on the thematic spectrum to which Ghirri dedicated himself in the '70s.

The exhibition was organized by the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, in collaboration with the Folkwang Museum in Essen and the National Gallery of Jeu de Paume in Paris.
Free admission