THE FORCE OF IMAGES MAST CollectionAn iconic selection of photographs on industry and work is the exhibition that will be available at the Fondazione Mast di Bologna, which presents a new collection of industrial photographs. Sixty authors from the 1920s to present today with over one hundred works – some made up of dozens of shots – the disruptive expressive power of photographic language in its multiple meanings.

The exhibition, which is part of the exhibitions linked to the European Photography 2017 in the section "FE on Via Emilia", offers works by photographers and artists including Berenice Abbott, Richard Avedon, Margaret Bourke-White, Thomas Demand, Simone Demandt, Jim Goldberg, Hiroko Komatsu, Germaine Krull, Catherine Leutenegger, Edgar Martins, Rémy Markowitsch, Richards Misrach, Jules Spinatsch, Edward Steichen, Thomas Struth, Shomei Tomatsu, Marion Post Wolcott and many more.

Curated by Urs Stahel, Promised by MAST Foundation

Via Speranza 42, Bologna

May 3 – September 24, 2017

Free entry

Opening time

Tuesday – Sunday 10.00 – 19.00

Guided tours

Saturday and Sunday at 11.00 and 16.00