"MANTUA, CUBA" is the exhibition which was inaugurated on November 21 at the "Galería Casa de Carmen Montilla" in the heart of Havana and will be open until December 5.
Simonazzi with this project continues his personal research on small worlds, the province as a condition of the spirit. In this case the subject is the small Cuban town of Mantua, a place which according to legend was founded following the sinking of the brig Italian "Mantua" in the Caribbean waters. Paolo Simonazzi, with the fundamental support of the writer Davide Barilli , explored the small town at the western north of Cuba trying to find the signs of olvido, that is the feeling of forgetfulness that characterizes the province of space, not whether it wrapped in the fog of Emilia low or suspended in sultry tropical climate.
Exhibition curated by Andrea Tinterri of BAG Gallery of Parma.
It's also available a catalog edited by Greta Edizioni.
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