ITALY. REGGIO EMILIA: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Biblioteca Panizzi in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
ITALY. REGGIO EMILIA: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Biblioteca Panizzi in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
RESIDENCE BELVEDERE: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
DEL GUARDARE: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at Palazzo Casotti in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006, curated by Paola Ghirri Borgonzoni and Ilaria Ghirri. ( )
IN PERSON: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Cloisters of St. Peter in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
STREETS, CARS AND DRIVERS: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at Biblioteca Panizzi in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
OFF CENTRE: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
EXPEDITION/SPEDIZIONI: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the palace Pratonieri in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
MIGRATION: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Oratory of Saint Charles and Agata in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
STANISLAO FARRI. MEMORIES OF LIGHT. PHOTOGRAPHS 1943-2003: retrospective exposed at Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emilia, curated by Sandro Parmiggiani.
Retrospective exhibition of Luigi Ghirri exposed in Reggio Emilia at Palazzo Magnani, curated by Massimo Mussini and Paola Borgonzoni.