LA VERTIGINE DELL'OMBRA: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at Palazzo Magnani, curated by Sandro Parmiggiani.
LA VERTIGINE DELL'OMBRA: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at Palazzo Magnani, curated by Sandro Parmiggiani.
IDENTITÀ TRA LE CITTÀ D’EUROPA. BERLINO: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the former Judicial Psychiatric Hospital in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2007. ( )
ATTRAVERSO LA FINESTRA_REGGIO EMILIA. QUARTIERE INA-CASA ROSTA NUOVA: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia In the district Ina-House Rosta New street Wybicki in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2007, curated by Daniele De Luigi. ( )
TI GUARDO NEGLI OCCHI, CITTÀ: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at Palazzo Casotti in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2007, curated by Elio Grazioli. ( )
EMILIA 2000-2007: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Galleria Parmeggiani in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2007, curated by Elio Grazioli. ( )
VIAGGIO IN UN PAESAGGIO TERRESTRE: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Cloisters of San Domenico in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2007. By Paola Ghirri Borgonzoni. ( )
PARCO 2006-2007: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Cloisters of San Domenico in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2007, curated by Elio Grazioli. ( )
BERLIN: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Cloisters of San Domenico in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2007, curated by Elio Grazioli. ( )
BODIES, INTERIOR EXTERIOR: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Biblioteca Panizzi in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
OUBLIER: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Biblioteca Panizzi in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
ITALY. REGGIO EMILIA: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the Biblioteca Panizzi in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )
RESIDENCE BELVEDERE: exhibition presented in Reggio Emilia at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in the occasion of Fotografia Europea 2006. ( )